We study vision and learning

We read, code, discuss and write about computer vision and machine learning

💡 We are hiring motivated undergraduate interns for Fall 2024! [Click for Detail]



Jul. 2024:

One paper on disentangled video representation learning has been accepted to ECCV 2024.
"DEVIAS: Learning Disentangled Video Representations of Action and Scene"
Kyungho, Geo, and Youngrae, big congratulations on your first top conference paper!

Apr. 2024:

A grant proposal, “AI-based OTT user and content data analysis and content-based video recommendation systems
(인공지능 기반 OTT 사용자 및 콘텐츠 데이터 분석과 비디오 추천시스템 개발), RS-2024-00353131” has been accepted by IITP (정보통신기획평가원).
Jinwoo Choi is one of the Co-PIs of the grant.
Funding amount: 400,000,000 KRW (4억원) for KHU VLL out of 2,000,000,000 KRW (20억원) in total
Duration: May 2024 ~ December 2027

Mar. 2024:

Prof. Jinwoo Choi serves as an Industry Chair of KCCV 2024.

Feb. 2024:

Two papers have been accepted to CVPR 2024.
"Do You Remember? Dense Video Captioning with Cross-Modal Memory Retrieval"
"Open Set Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation"

Jan. 2024:

Inbum Heo (CNU Astro and Space Science) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!

Jan. 2024:

Yuri Kim (KHU BME/EE Dual Major) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!


Dec. 2023:

Soohyun Park (KHU SWCON) and Mayank Singh (IIIT Delhi Mathematics and Computing) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!

Nov. 2023:

Dongho Lee, one of the first alumni of our lab, is joining CJ AI Center as a computer vision researcher! Congratulations to Dongho!

Oct. 2023:

One paper, "GLAD: Global-Local View Alignment and Background Debiasing for Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation with Large Domain Gap" has been accepted to WACV 2024. Hyogun and Kyungho, congratulations on your first conference paper!

Sep. 2023:

One paper on spatio-temporal balanced video understanding has been accepted to NeurIPS 2023. Dongho and Jongseo, big congratulations on your first top conference paper!

Sep. 2023:

Maryam Sana joined our lab as a M.S.-Ph.D. student!

Mar. 2023:

Joohyun Chang (KHU CSE) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!

Jan. 2023:

Junghyun Lee (KHU CSE) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!


Nov. 2022:

Our paper "Learning Representational Invariances for Data-Efficient Action Recognition" is accepted to CVIU.

Nov. 2022:

Prof. Jinwoo Choi is selected as an outstanding reviewer at ECCV 2022. He will be serving as a reviewer of CVPR 2023.

Sep. 2022:

Soyeon Hong (KHU EE) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!

Jul. 2022:

Geo Ahn (KHU SWCON) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!

May 2022:

A grant proposal on "Towards Generalizable Video Understanding: Learning Debiased, Compositional Video Representations" has been accepted by National Research Foundation (Jun. 2022 ~ Feb. 2025).

May 2022:

JunBeom Hong (KHU CSE/Econ Dual Major) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!

Mar. 2022:

Prof. Jinwoo Choi will be serving as a reviewer of ECCV 2022.

Mar. 2022:

Kyungho Bae and Hyogun Lee joined our lab as master students!

Feb. 2022:

Prof. Jinwoo Choi gave an invited talk, “Towards Data-Efficient Video Understanding”, at IPIU 2022!

Feb. 2022:

Jongseo Lee (KHU BME/EE Dual Major) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!


Jul. 2021:

Hyogun Lee (KHU EE) joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!

Jul. 2021:

We launched KHU Vision and Learning Reading Group with Prof. Seong Tae Kim and Prof. Gyeong-Moon Park at KHU CS.

Jul. 2021:

Dongho Lee and Jongmin(Paul) Shin joined our lab as master students, and Kyungho Bae joined our lab as an undergraduate intern!